Frequently Asked Questions
Chiropractic Regulatory Boards
Will RCSP usurp board authority?
Boards can’t legally give away their authority. With RCSP you're just delegating a job. You're still the boss; RCSP is the worker bee.
Will RCSP force boards to accept Specialty Programs that are outside the scope of practice?
Boards still can only recognize specialty program providers that fall under the scope of practice in that state.
Is RCSP costly?
RCSP costs boards NOTHING
Doctors of Chiropractic
I have a specialty certification. How can I advertise it?
Each chiropractic licensing board sets its own rules governing advertising. In some jurisidictions, chiropractors are prohibited from advertising themselves better or more qualified than their peers. Please check with your licensing board to ensure you comply with all advertising rules.
How can I find out if a program is approved in my state?
For chiropractic licensing boards that accept RCSP, all RCSP Recognized programs are approved as long as they fall under your state's scope of practice.
How do I submit a complaint against an RCSP Recognized provider?
Any party who believes that a RCSP Recognized Program has violated RCSP Policies & Procedures or RCSP Quality Criteria may file a written complaint to that effect with the RCSP Committee. The Committee shall maintain the confidentiality of all complaints.
Specialty Program Providers
Is it mandatory for a program to be recognized by RCSP?
Participation is voluntary.
FCLB member chiropractic regulatory boards decide to accept or recognize RCSP requirements within their jurisdictions and specialty program providers elect to apply for RCSP Recognition.
Chiropractic regulatory boards are legally responsible for approving specialty certification programs. RCSP is designed to assist FCLB member boards in the significant substantive and administrative responsibilities associated with reviewing and approving these programs.
FCLB recommends that chiropractic regulatory boards adopt the RCSP requirements as meeting the requirements of the board. In addition, and to provide flexibility to the boards and to meet the unique needs of each jurisdiction, boards may approve individual programs determined to meet the board’s criteria and to be in the public interest.
Who qualifies as an RCSP Recognized program provider?
Any entity may apply. Recognition will be extended to those who demonstrate an ability and willingness to comply with the 26 RCSP Criteria.